Write the Damn Blog Post

Write the Damn Blog Post! – your guide to coaxing your muse home

It’s 2am. Do YOU know where your muse is?

It’s 2am and you’re staring, guilt-ridden, at a painfully blank screen. Oh sure, you’ve been at the computer all night: you have 20 other windows open to prove it.  You’re 100% caught up on your online communities.  You’ve read and commented at length on fifteen other bloggers’ posts.  But that one you were going to write yourself?  Yeah, not so much.

Your muse – not the most reliable of writing partners lately – apparently went off partying with someone else, the fickle wench.  It’s not the first time either: thinking back, you haven’t written a real post for three weeks.  And that last one? Not really your best work, was it?

The frustrating thing is, you remember how damn good it felt when your writing was flowing. When you were writing every single week – sometimes multiple times a week. When you finished up a post and hit the “publish”  button with pride, knowing you were about to unleash some seriously epic stuff on the world.

It wasn’t just about looking forward to the feedback and the comments and the acknowledgment (although hell, you’d be lying if you said that wasn’t a factor). It was knowing you were doing your highest work – sharing your deepest truths and your gifts in a way that bordered on sacred.

And this writer’s block lark?  It’s keeping you from all of that.

Coax your muse back home with “Write the Damn Blog Post!”

Write the Damn Blog Post! is designed to help you create a much more welcoming environment for your muse. One that encourages her to stay in and work with you at blogging time, instead of abandoning you exactly when you need her most.  And then it helps you take what the two of you create together and make it into the best, most powerful writing it can possibly be.

More specifically, Write the Damn Blog Post! is a comprehensive roadmap to creating a unique, muse-welcoming writing process that fits you perfectly, because you designed it.  Jam-packed with  ideas, discussion questions and worksheets,  Write the Damn Blog Post! will get you thinking, imagining, organising – and most of all writing.

And all that muse-attracting blogging awesomeness is yours for only $47.95. Interested?  Just click on the big, friendly button below.


What if you decide you’re not happy with it?

All reports so far suggest that Write the Damn Blog Post! contains some seriously helpful material. Here’s what a few of the readers had to say about it:

  • “A wonderful blend of casual style, rock-solid wisdom, and sneaky humour makes what could potentially be a dry topic into an entertaining, helpful read. Tanja has skillfully balanced encouragement and support with loving asskicking – just what a stuck writer needs.”
    Ellie Di Julio, Ellie Di.com
  • “Write the Damn Blog Post! doesn’t tell you what your writing process should be, it helps you create one tailored to how you best work. Now I can incorporate my right-brained quirks into a solid structure that will help me write ebooks more productively.”
    Dominee Wyrick, Blessing Manifesting
  • “I love, love the way Tanja manages to get me looking at things from so many perspectives. If you’ve ever had writer’s block and weren’t sure how to get past it, Write the Damn Blog Post! is for you! If you’ve ever looked back on your writing and felt like it just didn’t flow, Write the Damn Blog Post! is for you!”
    Petrea Hansen-Adamidis, Drawing the Self Out


If you’re still not sure, why not download the first four chapters free?

And if that’s still not enough, there’s a 30-day money back guarantee.  Because I don’t just want Write the Damn Blog Post! to be useful for you, I want it to be absolutely freaking AWESOME.  If you’re not happy, just contact me within 30 days, let me know what didn’t work for you (so I can learn and make the next book better), and I guarantee I’ll cheerfully refund your money.

So why not take a chance and order your copy?  I promise, your muse will thank you for it!